Recertification: Frequent Questions and Answers

How can I recertify?

There are 3 options for recertification:
  1. Obtain 40 CEUs with a minimum of 30 CEUs that quality for Group A.
  2. Take the BONENT exam and obtain a passing score.
  3. Use the One-time Waiver.
nnco recertification guidelines

Which CEUs are accepted?

BONENT will accept CEUs that are obtained from an accredited CEU provider.

Where can I find CEUs?

The BONENT website provides a calendar of events as well as “Where to find CEs.” You may also obtain CEUs online.

How can I use the One-time Waiver?

You must check the box next to “I wish to use my one time waiver (once in a lifetime)” on the Recertification Application.

Is there a fee to use the One-time Waiver?

There is no fee to use the One-time Waiver.

How should I categorize my contact hours?

  • Group A - Continuing education that focuses on nephrology
  • Group B - Continuing education that focuses on general health, customer service, CPR, health-related college courses.

Can I pay extra to expedite the process?

There is no option to expedite the recertification application process.

It has been 4-6 weeks since I submitted my recertification application and I have not heard from BONENT.

BONENT primarily communicates via email. If you have not received a message in your inbox, please check your Junk/SPAM folder.

It has been less than 12 months since my certification expiration date, how can I reinstate my certification?

Follow the steps below to reinstate your lapsed certification:
  • Pay the $100 Lapsed Certification Fee
  • Pay any outstanding Annual Certification Fees and
  • Submit 40 contact hours, or use the one-time Waiver, which allows you to automatically recertify without submitting contact hours.

It has been more than 12 months since my certification expiration date, how can I reinstate my certification?

Follow the steps below to reinstate your expired certification:
  • Submit 40 contact hours you obtained before your certification expired and
  • Pay the $200 Expired Certification Fee
  • You do not qualify to use the One-time Waiver.

If my certification has expired more than 12 months, do I qualify to use the one-time waiver?

If your certification expiration date is between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2018 you qualify for the Amnesty Period and can use your one-time waiver.